Bethel Evangelical Free Church Business Profile


Bethel Evangelical Free Church
19814 55th Ave Ne
Kenmore, WA 98028
Phone: (425) 483-2222

Located in King County

Retreat Houses

Retreat Houses Listings near Kenmore, Washington 98028

First Rmnian Pntecostal Church
Kenmore WA 98028
King County
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Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox C
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King County
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Seattle Atheists
Kenmore WA 98028
King County
0 miles

Bethany Bible Church
Kenmore WA 98028
King County
0 miles

Kenmore Community Church
Kenmore WA 98028
King County
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Lighthouse The
Kenmore WA 98028
King County
0 miles

Calvary Tbnbcle Untd Pntcostal
Seattle WA 98155
King County
2.55 miles

Church of I Guan Tao
Seattle WA 98155
King County
2.55 miles

Evergreen Baptist Church
Seattle WA 98155
King County
2.55 miles

First Presbyterian Church
Seattle WA 98155
King County
2.55 miles

Institute For Christn Ministry
Seattle WA 98155
King County
2.55 miles

Lake Forest Park Presbt Church
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King County
2.55 miles

Myong Sung Presbyterian Church
Seattle WA 98155
King County
2.55 miles

Northwest Church of Christ
Seattle WA 98155
King County
2.55 miles

Power of Cross
Seattle WA 98155
King County
2.55 miles

Salvaic Mission Church
Seattle WA 98155
King County
2.55 miles

Seattle Grace Presbt Church
Seattle WA 98155
King County
2.55 miles

Shoreline Community Church
Seattle WA 98155
King County
2.55 miles

Vinyard Community Church
Seattle WA 98155
King County
2.55 miles

Youngseng Prespeterian Church
Seattle WA 98155
King County
2.55 miles